MiPNet26.02 Virtual O2k-Workshop:Q-Module

From Bioblast


MiPNet26.02 Virtual O2k-Workshop:Q-Module

Publications in the MiPMap

Virtual O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR) - Basic O2k and NextGen-O2k, Q-Module (for Key opinion leaders)

Β» Bioblast pdf Β»Versions

Oroboros (2021-02-02) Mitochondr Physiol Network

Abstract: Oroboros Virtual O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry and and measurement of the redox state of the Q-pool.

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros

Template NextGen-O2k.jpg

General information

The Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR) and measurement of the redox state of the Q-pool provides an overview of the O2k-FluoRespirometer, including applications of the Titration-Injection microPump TIP2k and data analysis by DatLab 7.4.
The Virtual O2k-Workshop offers flexibility to the participants, allowing you to choose the virtual coaching sessions that most fit your personal needs. This provides a unique opportunity to receive a start-up introduction and learn about new developments in HRR.

Sessions workflow

  • During the Virtual O2k-Workshop access will be given to exclusive online material, along with the O2k-Manual and O2k-Videosupport (which are always available on the website). Links to exclusive videos will be provided per email, sent exclusively to participants after their registration.
It is recommended that participants prepare for their first live sessions by getting familiar with the β€œMaterials for self-study” for instrumental set-up and high-resolution respirometry HRR. After receipt of the registration form, the date of the live sessions will be arranged with the participants.
Β» DatLab 7.4 has to be installed on the computer to which your NextGen-O2k is connected (O2k-Videosupport: DatLab 7 installation).

Virtual coaching hour allocation

The timetable in the program online, shows an approximate estimation of how much time will be needed for each specific session. This overview is intended to help participants to plan their training time efficiently.
The duration is estimated for participants who still do not have experience with the O2k, sessions might be faster for experienced O2k users.
The virtual coaching sessions will take place on the dates to be confirmed both by the participants and tutor.

Materials for self-study

The materials for self-study, with the names and links to materials, are recommended to be studied before the respective training sessions of the Virtual O2k-Workshop.
Β» Virtual O2k-Workshop self-study material


Β» Bioblast pdf

SUIT protocol selection

A form will be sent to participants before the start of the Virtual O2k-Workshop, to address specific research interests, samples available, selected SUIT protocols, for further discussion with the Oroboros tutors.
Β» SUIT protocol
Β» Library of SUIT protocols
Β» SUITbrowser


Oroboros Instruments
High-Resolution Respirometry
Schoepfstrasse 18
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 512 566796
Fax: +43 512 566796 20
Mitochondria and Cell Research

O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.


ORO, IOC, NextGen, 2020, MitoGlobal 

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