O2k-Virtual Support self-study material |
General information
- To benefit optimally from the tutored training sessions of the O2k-Virtual Support, please make yourself familiar with Materials for self-study in advance.
Part 1.1: OroboPOS service and O2k instrumental
- Oroboros FluoRespirometer
- OroM1.2 POS-service
- Step 1: O2k-Videosupport: OroboPOS from Perspex housing
- Step 2: O2k-Videosupport: Cathode cleaning
- Step 3: O2k-Videosupport: Anode cleaning
- Step 4: O2k-Videosupport: Membrane mounting
- Step 5: O2k-Videosupport: DL7 Start DatLab7
- Step 6: O2k-Videosupport: DL7 Insert OroboPOS
- Step 7: O2k-Videosupport: Insert O2k Chamber
- Step 8: O2k-Videosupport: O2k Chamber volume calibration
Part 1.2: DatLab and O2 calibration
Part 1.3: O2 instrumental background
Part 2.1: Biological samples and experimental design
Pathway control and coupling control of mitochondrial respiration:
Sample types,mitochondrial preparations and sample addition:
SUIT protocols, SUITbrowser, DL-Protocols:
Part 2.2: Biological experiment and data analysis
Oroboros advanced
Oroboros applications: Simultaneous determination of O2 and H2O2 fluxes
Oroboros Open Support