Smolkova Katharina

From Bioblast
Name Smolkova Katharina, PhD
Institution Institute of Physiology, Lab. No. 75

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep.

Address Videnska 1083, 14220
City Prague
Country Czech Republic
O2k-Network Lab CZ Prague Jezek P

Labels: Field of research: Basic 


Smolkova 2020 Sci Rep2020Smolková K, Špačková J, Gotvaldová K, Dvořák A, Křenková A, Hubálek M, Holendová B, Vítek L, Ježek P (2020) SIRT3 and GCN5L regulation of NADP+- and NADPH-driven reactions of mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase IDH2 . Sci Rep 10:8677.
Dlaskova 2019 Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg2019Dlasková A, Špaček T, Engstová H, Špačková J, Schröfel A, Holendová B, Smolková K, Plecitá-Hlavatá L, Ježek P (2019) Mitochondrial cristae narrowing upon higher 2-oxoglutarate load. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg 1860:659-78.
Smolkova 2015 Int J Biochem Cell Biol2015Smolková K, Dvořák A, Zelenka J, Vítek L, Ježek P (2015) Reductive carboxylation and 2-hydroxyglutarate formation by wild-type IDH2 in breast carcinoma cells. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 65:125-33.
Jezek 2011 AbstractMitoComLectures2011Jezek P, Dlaskova A, Santorova J, Spacek T, Smolkova K, Tauber J, Mlodzianoski MJ, Bewersdorf J (2011) 3D visualization of mitochondrial network and mtDNA nucleoids at 30 nm by biplane FPALM microscopy. Abstract MitoCom Lectures.
Smolkova 2010 J Bioenerg Biomembr2010Smolková K, Bellance N, Scandurra F, Génot E, Gnaiger E, Plecitá-Hlavatá L, Ježek P, Rossignol R (2010) Mitochondrial bioenergetic adaptations of breast cancer cells to aglycemia and hypoxia. J Bioenerg Biomembr 42:55-67.
Bellance 2009 Int J Biochem Cell Biol2009Bellance N, Benard G, Furt F, Begueret H, Smolková K, Passerieux E, Delage JP, Baste JM, Moreau P, Rossignol R (2009) Bioenergetics of lung tumors: Alteration of mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory capacity. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 41:2566-77.
Nouette-Gaulain 2009 Anesthesiology2009Nouette-Gaulain K, Bellance N, Prévost B, Passerieux E, Pertuiset C, Galbes O, Smolkova K, Masson F, Miraux S, Delage JP, Letellier T, Rossignol R, Capdevila X, Sztark F (2009) Erythropoietin protects against local anesthetic myotoxicity during continuous regional analgesia. Anesthesiology 110:648-59.
Benard 2008 Int J Biochem Cell Biol2008Benard G, Faustin B, Galinier A, Rocher C, Bellance N, Smolkova K, Casteilla L, Rossignol R, Letellier T (2008) Functional dynamic compartmentalization of respiratory chain intermediate substrates: implications for the control of energy production and mitochondrial diseases. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 40:1543-54.


Zelenka 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Zelenka J, Smolkova K, Dvorak A, Vitek L, Jezek P (2013) Reverse carboxylation glutaminolysis in breast cancer cells. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.

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