MiPNet19.06 IOC91 Philadelphia US
Philadelphia US, 2014 Jun 02-03. Oroboros Workshop on HRR and O2k-Fluorometry, IOC91. O2k-Network Lab »US PA Philadelphia Wallace DC. |
Oroboros (2014-06-02) Mitochondr Physiol Network
91st Oroboros Workshop on high-resolution respirometry and O2k-Fluorometry in cooperation with MiPNet Lab US PA Philadelphia Wallace DC. »Versions
• O2k-Network Lab: US PA Philadelphia Wallace DC, AT Innsbruck Oroboros
HRR: Oxygraph-2k
ORO, IOC, 2014, O2k-Network, MitoCom
The Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine
at the Children’s Hospital Research Institue
Colket Translation Research Building
6th floor conference room / nine bench laboratory module for the experimental program
6300 CTRB
3501 Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 267-425-3078
Lecturers and tutors
- Dr. Doug Wallace: Welcome – perspectives of mt-function and mt-medicine.
- Mag.a Verena Laner, project manager and application specialist
- Oroboros Instruments
Lab Dr. Douglas Wallace
- Wallace Douglas C, host
- Angelin Alessia, co-organizer
- Colas Carman
- Haroon Suraiya
- Holczbauer Agnes
- Kopinski Piotr
- Lvova Masha
- McCormack Shana
- Morrow Ryan
- Ortiz-Gonzales Xilma
- Peng Min
- Polyak Zsoka
- Potluri Prasanth
- Tintos Alonso
- Vermulst Mark
- Wang Ting
Other labs
- Barsotti Robert, US_PA Philadelphia_Barsotti R: Department of Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
- Breton Sophie, CA_Montreal_Breton S: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Montréal. - Mitochondrial DNA divergence and aerobic capacity in invertebrates.
- Curtis Jessica, US_MD Baltimore_Curtis J: Translational Gerontology Branch, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore. - Respiration, ROS, fluorometry, ADP titration.
- DeBoer Erik, US_PA Philadelphia_DeBoer E: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
- Dometita Crystal, US_PA Danville_Irving BA: Obesity Institute, Center for Nutrition and Weight Management, Geisinger Health System, Danville.
- Falk Marni J, US PA Philadelphia Falk MJ: Sharing our experience as a MiPNet Lab.
- Gnaiger Erich, AT Innsbruck Gnaiger E: Lecturer, Oroboros Instruments.
- Gómez Luis A, CO_Medellin_Gomez LA: Department of Basic Sciences, EAFIT University, Medellin. - electron transfer-pathway, cardiolipin, supercomplexes.
- Guan Yuxia, US_PA Philadelphia_Sims C: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
- Hao Ling-Yang, US_MI Ann Arbor_Glick GD: Lycera Corp., Ann Arbor.
- Hsiao Chao-Pin, US_OH Cleveland_Hsiao CP: School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. - Mitochondrial bioenergetic profiles, fatigue, prostate cancer, radiotherapy.
- Irving Brian A, US_PA Danville_Irving BA: Obesity Institute, Center for Nutrition and Weight Management, Geisinger Health System, Danville. - Sharing our experience as a MiPNet Lab
- Kavanagh Robert P, US_PA Philadelphia_Kavanagh RP: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. - TBI, cardiac arrest, neurologic injury.
- Kienesberger Petra, CA_Saint John_Pulinilkunnil T: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dalhousie University, Saint John. - Autotaxin, lysophospholipids, heart, triacylglycerol, obesity.
- Laner Verena, AT Innsbruck Oroboros : Tutor, Oroboros Instruments.
- Moellering Douglas R, US_AL Birmingham_Moellering DR: Department of Nutrition Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham. - Mitochondria, Bioenergetics, ROS, Diabetes, Obesity, CMD, Aging.
- Morgan Rodney, US_MI Ann Arbor_Glick GD: Lycera Corp., Ann Arbor.
- Previte Dana, US_PA Pittsburgh_Previte D: Immunology Program, University of Pittsburgh. - Immunology, CD4+ T cells.
- Pulinilkunnil Thomas, CA_Saint John_Pulinilkunnil T: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dalhousie University, Saint John. - Autophagy, mitophagy, branched chain amino acid, leucine, heart, muscle.
- Sims Carrie, US PA Philadelphia Sims C: Sharing our experience as a MiPNet Lab
- Wade Mark, US_IN Indianapolis_Brozinick JT: Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis.
- Weiss Scott, US_PA Philadelphia_Becker LB: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. - Sepsis, pediatrics, peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
- Zhang Donglan, US_PA Philadelphia_Zhang D: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. - Intact cells.
- I'm glad the Oroboros Workshop was a great success! I'm already in contact with some participants who wrote me yesterday... great networking! - Alessia Angelin, MiPNet Lab: US PA Philadelphia Wallace DC.
- I learned a lot from the course, and I really appreciate your scientific philosophy. - Curtis Jessica, MiPNet Lab: US MD Baltimore Curtis J.
- The workshop was a wonderful opportunity to learn about the instrument and to meet very nice people as well. It was a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge on the assessment of mitochondrial respiration and an excellent meeting to discuss mitochondrial bioenergetics. It was also a great opportunity to get to know wonderful people who are also very enthusiastic scientists. - Luis A Gomez, MiPNet Lab: CO Medellin Gomez LA.
General information
How to get to CHOP
- File:How to get to CHOP.pdf
- Parking: Attendees can park in the Wood Building. When they arrive they must tell them they are attending the “Oroboros Workshop”.
- The building in which the conference is to be held is secured and the CHOP police will need to have the names of the attendees in advance for them to be admitted to the building.
- To be admitted to the Colket Building in which the course will be held, all registrants are required to present a proper government identification.
Recommended accommodation
- University City Hotels
- The Inn at Penn, A Hilton Hotel
- 3600 Sansom Street
- Philadelphia, PA 19104
- Phone: 215-222-0200
- http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/pennsylvania/the-inn-at-penn-a-hilton-hotel-PHLIDHH/index.html
- Sheraton Philadelphia University City Hotel
- 3549 Chestnut Street
- Philadelphia, Pa 19104
- Phone: 215-387-8000
- http://www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=992&language=en_US
Location of joint Oroboros Workshop dinner on June 2nd
- New Deck Tavern
- 3408 Sansom St
- Philadelphia, PA 19104
- University City
- Phone number (215) 386-4600
- http://www.newdecktavern.com/
- Send your registration to Verena Laner and Sherri Ghee
- Pre-registered participants may register at the venue on Monday, June 02, at 08:45 or during coffee breaks.
Recommended reading
Oroboros Core Manual
SUIT protocols for high-resolution respirometry
Pesta D, Gnaiger E (2012) High-resolution respirometry. OXPHOS protocols for human cells and permeabilized fibres from small biopsies of human muscle. Methods Mol Biol 810:25-58. »Bioblast Access
- Gnaiger E (2008) Polarographic oxygen sensors, the oxygraph and high-resolution respirometry to assess mitochondrial function. In: Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Drug-Induced Toxicity (Dykens JA, Will Y, eds) John Wiley:327-52. »Bioblast Access
HRR and Oroboros FluoRespirometry
- Eigentler A, Fontana-Ayoub M, Gnaiger E (2013) O2k-Fluorometry: HRR and H2O2 production in mouse cardiac tissue homogenate. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.05(01):1-6. »Open Access
- »O2k-Fluorometry
Mitochondrial pathways
Gnaiger E (2012) Mitochondrial pathways and respiratory control. An introduction to OXPHOS analysis. 3rd ed. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17.18. OROBOROS MiPNet Publications, Innsbruck: 64 pp. »Open Access - handout to Oroboros Workshop participants.
Oroboros Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.
- This workshop is a component of the K-Regio project MitoCom.