ES Madrid Cadenas S

From Bioblast


ES Madrid Cadenas S

Oroboros O2k-Network

O2k-Network Lab Servicio de Inmunología

Hospital Universitario de La Princesa

Address C/ Diego de León, 62, 28006
City Madrid
Country Spain
Contact Cadenas Susana
Team Anedda A, Lopez-Bernardo E, Vaca Christina
Team previous Aguirre E, Rodriguez-Juarez Felix
Status O2k 2004-
Oroboros Events IOC69, IOC53, MiPsummer 2007, IOC32, IOC31, MiP2005, IOC28, IOC26
Topics hypoxia, ischaemic heart disease, nitric oxide, oxidative stress, uncoupling proteins (UCPs)


Aguirre 2012 Mitochondrion2012Aguirre E, Lopez-Bernardo E, Cadenas S (2012) Functional evidence for nitric oxide production by skeletal-muscle mitochondria from lipopolysaccharide-treated mice. Mitochondrion 12:126-31.
Tello 2011 Cell Metab2011Tello D, Balsa E, Acosta-Iborra B, Fuertes-Yebra E, Elorza A, Ordóñez Á, Corral-Escariz M, Soro I, López-Bernardo E, Perales-Clemente E, Martínez-Ruiz A, Enríquez JA, Aragonés J, Cadenas S, Landázuri MO (2011) Induction of the mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 protein by HIF-1α decreases oxygen consumption by inhibiting Complex I activity. Cell Metab 14:768-79.
Aguirre 2010 Biochim Biophys Acta2010Aguirre E, Rodríguez-Juárez F, Bellelli A, Gnaiger E, Cadenas S (2010) Kinetic model of the inhibition of respiration by endogenous nitric oxide in intact cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1797:557-65.
Samper 2009 Free Radic Biol Med2009Samper E, Morgado L, Estrada JC, Bernad A, Hubbard A, Cadenas S, Melov S (2009) Increase in mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative stress, and glycolysis in murine lymphomas. Free Radic Biol Med 46:387-96.
Rodriguez-Juarez 2007 Biochem J2007Rodriguez-Juarez F, Aguirre E, Cadenas S (2007) Relative sensitivity of soluble guanylate cyclase and mitochondrial respiration to endogenous nitric oxide at physiological oxygen concentration. Biochem J 405:223-31.
Cadenas 2006 Biochim Biophys Acta2006Aguirre E, Rodriguez-Juarez F, Gnaiger E, Cadenas S (2006) Measurement of the control of cellular respiration by nitric oxide under normoxia and hypoxia: instrumental comparison including high-resolution respirometry. Biochim Biophys Acta, EBEC Short Reports Suppl 14:136-7.


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